Saturday, February 8, 2014

My Big Boy


Zafri is gonna be 2 years and 10 months old on this 12th february. He's talkative, very active and so clever and cheeky!! Boy, suka sakat and buli weols ni. huhu he grows too fast..i wish i could slow it down..or how i wish he could stay being a baby..hihi. Sekarang ni capek sungguh ummi dan babah dibuatnya. Sangat tak reti duduk diam okk! 

Right now, he's in the stage of experimenting. Adaaa je experiment dia nak buat especially water experiment. huhu making us head ache seeing the water spilled on the table, on the floor in the kitchen and even toilet everyday. Suka celup-celup jari dia dalam drinks and suka buat aksi nak buat teh-tarik tuh. Hmm mujur la rumah ni fully carpet, so tak adala adegan siapa-siapa slips on the floor. Pheww!

Recently, an incident happened and he got a cut slightly under his left eye. huhu ..It's Iris who had accidentally stepped on his face while playing 'camping' under the dining table while he's pretending to be sleeping. Kesian dia nangis sekeping la apalagi, nasib bukan kene mata..syukur alhamdulillah tapi at first panic and scary jugak la ummi tengok bleeding at the area. huhu..

But poor him, his eczema gets worse this winter. Habis satu badan dia eczema and he wakes up in the middle of night almost every night okk. Kesian sangat, nangis-nangis tergaru-garu satu badan sampai luka and calar-balar! :(..huhu pity him..T_T. even we already put the prescribed cream (Oilatum) by GP before going to bed but it only works for few hours. Lepas dia terjaga tu mesti kene sapu all over again..but sometimes we had to give him oral solution as well for allergy relief..baru ok. 

So, us this season are quite fatigue due to sleep-deprived..tapi tak pe la untuk anak tercinta, berkorban apa saja..hihi. So, please be a good boy, Zafri! We love you so much. :)


sitiezahim said...

kesiannya zafri..huhu..

Nadine said...

alahai, zafri ada eczema eh dear. kesiannya.

in ur case, dah ada 2 girls skali dpt boys lain sket eh perangai. in my case, dh ada boy, skali dpt 2 girls yg superlasak...oh my! tergezut gak! haha :D

Diyana Khoo said...

haha, handsome n cheeky zafri. geram tengok gambar zafri masa tgh baking with his sisters tu.

perangai zafri sebijik mcm abg hadif and now mikael. CD sometime biar je rumah tu sepah, diaorg dah tido baru kemas. huhu.

nurbijen said...

Betul la Izu, rasa cepatnya anak2 besar... Saya lagi la terasa sbb danish dah nak masuk 4 tahun minggu depan :)

Owh, Zafri ada ekzema ke? Kesiannya kalau tgk dia garu2 malam2... kawan saya yg anak dia ekzema, mmg import ubat dari M'sia....

Fatimah Al-Attas said...

I'm feeling the same, rasa cepat sgt diorg besar, sedih :(

Winter time yang merisaukan untuk parents kan, pray all will be well for you guys.

Yong Is My Name said...

Happy belated Bucuk Aunty Yong!!
Zafri bday sama dengan Eerdyna .. selat awal 3 days jea..
Anak Yong both ada eczema..
Tapi alhamdullilah sekarang nie.. cuaca kat sini lain sikit..