Alhamdulillah, our Eid celebration went really well. We totally enjoyed ourselves from 1st until 4th of Syawal. We went out visiting friends until late night and friends coming visiting us at home. We feel blessed. :)
On the 1st Syawal, after hubby returned from Eidulfitr prayer at the local mosque, Masjid Al-Taqwa, we all had our Eid breakfast shortly. The special menu was of course Nasi Impit, beef rendang, chicken curry, and lodeh..our favourite traditional menu during the eidulfitr. Simple je.. ;)
Then afterwards we had a brief photo shoot at home sweet home! :)
We put on the previous raya apparel that my mom's sent which we wore only once and not during the 1st of Syawal (as it arrived late and still looking very new :P) Actually my mom did sent all of us beautiful abayas from Mekah for this Eid but only me who wear it because the temperature that day was high so I'd thought the others will not be comfortable in it for the whole day..For me, I wore it just because to be matching with hubby dearie who wore his black baju melayu again. hehehe..
This year for the first time, we went to Rumah Malaysia's open house at central London. We arrived as early as at 1.00pm but we took about half an hour finding the available parking. We parked our car quite far from Rumah Malaysia and we gotta walk there few blocks away..quite a distance until we gotta used mobile gps to find he house too! Lol..what an experience! But all of us just relaxed and enjoyed the walk with other Malaysians. ;) And mind you, we also kinda had a photo shoot at the roadside on the way back..which we will not definitely do it if we are in Malaysia. :P
Anyway, hope you enjoy the pics!
the eins watching tv while waiting ummi's ready dressing up :P |
happily tuck in ummi's cooking ;D |
our first eid's family photo ^^ |
my kids and I, on the way to Rumah Malaysia's open house.. |
my darlings posed for Babah while ummi queued to get us foods |
suasana open house di Rumah Malaysia, still early at this hour hence not crowded yet |
Zafri enjoyed the kuih raya while Zahin enjoyed her lamb biryani ;) |
with Mira who was kindly gave duit raya to my kids..tqvm! |
make a new friend too...and later they quickly invited us to their open house..feel touched with their kindness! tq FiruzJimi! |
with Alia who did Master study at Imperial College, same uni with hubby.. |
bumped into Imran Tan Sri Sulaiman and his sister, Rose..they related to hubby's..last year Imran attended our open house when my family in laws were here.. |
people started flooding in when we already boy was tired and had enough already... |
before leaving, took chance to pose around the compound of Rumah Malaysia. (it might be our last eid here in London..:() |
haha Zafri refused to pose while ummi's not done yet..:P |
last photos there...and my kids already made their sad face..hihihi... |
but not here. they all were sporting to pose by the roadside while on the way back to our car..haha mcm2 aksi! |
with their Babah, their first hero..;) |
also stopped by at the bench to rest and pose for a while...;) I love it to bits! |
After Rumah Malaysia, we went beraya and tumpang solat Zuhur and Asar at our best friends' at Uxbridge. Seronok habis!! feels like balik kampung ok? hihi. Our kids really happy to see Adam n Nuha and enjoyed each other;s company when meeting and even cried and sad when it's time to leave..
best mkn lemang yg yummilicious kt rumah depa! ;) |
the eins had raya photo shoot again..:D |
haha the forgive session between me and was funny! |
us with our babies :) |
haha daddies turn plakkk...they were hillarious! adake amik kopiah hubby kunun2 mcm bg hamper raya. sabo je la..:P |
AND lastly our beloved kiddos....with their spontaneous acts...hhaha i enjoyed shooting them and this pic is the best pic ever! :) |
Only at 8pm, we left their house at West London heading to East London. But our eid still not done yet because we had an invitation at Kak Ana's place in Stratford. ;) But we went there after we prayed Maghrib at home first and managed to bring some beef rendang there. Malu plak ai nak datang dengan tangan kosong je kan. hee..
some of the yummy foods at kak Ana;s |
with the happy go lucky host, kak Ana or kids called her Mummy Na |
hubby with abg Manap before leaving..mesti bwk balik 'bontrot' punye!! :D and in this pic, you see hubby had changed to wear his new jubah that my mom sent..:) (even handsome as wear baju melayu kan! hehehe ;)) |
We arrived there at 10pm and left only after mid night. Sakan beraya! :D but too bad we did not managed to take a lot of photos there since Zafri had lack of sleep hence cranky. Most of the time i was in Kak Anas's doter's room to calm i'm sure he's already exhausted by the's past his bedtime already so he need his bed it's time to go home. hehe.
Again, Eid Mubarak everyone! Hopefully you enjoy your Eid too! :)