We attended kak Zaitul and Ana's open house after went to the embassy. Sorry, i already forgot the menu (i just remember, Lemang! :P) and i do not take the picture of the scrumptious food on the table...sorry..! :( At that time, only my body was there but my mind was off wandering and keep thinking about my dissertation. huhu haru hokey..but i promise i have so many other pictures when we were at their house. heheh :P
Also this year, my in laws came to celebrate Eid with us. They were FIL, MIL, SIL, her husband and daughter and BIL. All of them had safely arrived on the eve of second raya. Alhamdulillah, we were so happy and thankful to have them here after more than a year not seeing each other. My MIL also kindly cooked us Nasi Dagang, Laksa and Laksam!! Over more than a year, we havent eat it! So mama's more than willing to cook for her anak menantu and cucu2 :D Though, just arrived but mama still had energy to cook all that for the next day during our open house. Thank you so much, mama! ;)
So enjoy the pics!
with kak Zaitul and co. |
hubby and still sleepy Zafri with bro Hanif |
the kids and toys cannot be separated :P |
credit to kak Azan for this pic. I loike..perasan mcm ank sorg je..padahal? hehe |
with kak Azan and Co..before going to Ana's place for another open house |
worried me at Ana's place. haha i was that worried and it was shown all over my face..Aihh penangan dissertation... :D |
how i wish i was still a kid so i dont have to think about dissertation or anything but playing balloons! |
or trying out wisels and blowing it loudly as they like! hehehe.. |
Zafri with his pacifier-lookalike wisel hee |
it was also Dahlia's 8th birthday...that's why all the balloons and the wisels ;) |
Dahlia with her marvellous looking and delicious birthday cake made by her mom. untung maknya pakar buat kek2 ni :)
also had a photoshoot session at ana;s well-kept backyard |
with kak Azan n co. |
with Ana and co. , the host..yg dah pon balik Msia last two weeks..she's in the same uni with me, cuma lain course je. ;) |
and here is the picture with our first guest from Bristol, Farah and Bro Imran. they were in London on the first Syawal, they visited us after went to Rumah Malaysia. Thanks for coming! Obviously, not many pics were taken due to my fenin2 lalat head..huhu.. |
my kitchen on the second raya..ready for our open house.. |
Nasi Dagang is the main menu! Nyumsss n The guests loved it...thanks again to mama. aritu dah berguru dah dgn mama tp tatau la bila nak try buat!..hehehehe... |
Zafri pertama kali berbaju melayu..tq tok mak sponsor baju zafri..wpon besar sket tp ok je..tahun dpn bley pki lg..hehehehe.. |
the Eins wore their new baju raya...sponsored by mama tok..tq mama tok! ;) |
then a must family photo before the guests arrived..:) |
mama and kakak ceria dan dah ready nak sambut tetamu hehe.. |
antara tetamu2 yg datang..;) |
Hehe too many pictures to even write the captions!! tu pon banyak lagi gambar yang tak dpt nak share kt sini..huhu But hopefully, the pictures have told everything k ;D Alhamdulillah open house daripada pukul 2PM smpi ke 8PM, namun sangat puas hati walaupun kepenatan...hehehehe..Thanks kepada semua tetamu yg datang! Panjang umur kita jumpa lagi raya tahun depan k, insyaAllah. :))