Up to date, the Eins are still having cough and cold. however they both are very active. Quarelling like no body business is their middle name. So, no worries. :) Bb Zafri had block nose last week but he's fine now. Hubby is only the one who's being healthy while Ummi is having cold, sore throat and block nose as well. But so far so good. Alhamdulillah.
BUT the thing which haunted us the most now is BED BUGS!!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhh.
Zahin was being attacked badly. Rashes fr top to toe, hokey ..Cis, ciskek punye bed bugs. Cian anak ummi. :(
Actually, hubby had noticed the existence of the bed bugs since we moved in to this house but we thought it's just for temporarily. In the mean time, hubby had tried many ways to kill'em but none works. Now it's getting worse!! All of us are being bitten including lil Zafri. Habis kulit muka anak bujang i. T_T
Hubby already reported to Zishan, the house agent few months ago. Zishan promised to send over somebody to check, but until now no one's ever came! Up to one point, we thought of moving out but since we had 1-yr contract agreement, we have to think thrice!
will try to call Zaishan again n will see how. Otherwise we have to call a pest control. The last resort la sbb kena bayar 150 pounds.Adey, mahal. The Bed bugs cannot be seen with human eyes, if can, we definitely wont rent this house. :(
Okla i will stop talking about the bed bugs for now. FENIN doh pk. :(
Sebagai selingan, here are some updates of my three dearest bundle of joy.
For Zahin
She's into typing now. Love typing words at Microsoft Words. She knows how to write her name and Iris's name correctly. Everytime i webcam with my mom at YM, she sibuk type nama dia. Then siap ajak Tok Mak join type sekali. Adey. Snce she owns a laptop lagi menjadi2!! Drawing pun nak buat kat Paint. Tak nak paper or colouring book. Tak hagak2. Aihh budak2 zaman skrg..canggih-manggih ekk..:P
She can count up to 100 now. Dulu count with her style la. 30 dia sebut apa tau! Three Ten. So do with forty jadi four ten. The same with 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90. Mula tergelak weol. Hehe. Skrg ni kdg saje count mcm tu jgk..saje nak test ummi. Sabo je la.
Alif Ba Ta up to Ya is also passed. Hubby and me couldn;t find time yet to teach her Muqaddam formally. We plan to send her to K.Ana to learn it soon. Nowadays, guna cara Qiraati rite?but I don;t familiar with the Qiraati technic. :( So kene jjgk hntr belajar ngan pakar la. nasib baik dah kenal k.Ana. ;) Sebelum ke UK, dah belikan Muqaddam dan bawa ke sini. Muqaddam pun dah canggih, tear n water proof gitu. Ummi tarik kuat2 mmg tak koyak. :D Cover muqaddam in purple metallic colour. Tau tak masa mula2 beli, Zahin bley tanya kenapa babah tak belikan yg colour pink. Sabo je la Miss Pinky ni. hehehehe.
For Iris
Her two upper 'gigi taring' dah tumbuh. Another two lower are starting to grow. Lately, asyik masuk jari dlm mulut. Ayaq liuq meleleh jgn cakap la..huhu. Yg bestnya babah smpi belikan teether!! hik hik. Tapi sia2 je beli, jari jgk best..Itu, tak pe lagi. Haritu perut, lengan adik dia hampir jd mangsa taw. mujur la depan mata ummi.
Jari dalam mulut sambil layan The Simpsons kt laptop Along.
Counting 1 to 10 is passed oledi. ;) ABC is still in progress. Tapi part last 'Now I know my ABC..' tu dh pass la tp with her own style. Pelat2 lagi. ;) Bab singing memang no. 1. Favourite! Selalu nyanyi last part ABC, Twinkle2 Little Star. Twinkle song ni pun dh pass, clean n clear every words cuma line 3 ada payah sket nak sebut. hehe sll dia lompat trus ke last line. Sabo je la..hihihihi Iris, Iris..
Alif Ba Ta also in progress. Bila suro baca alif ba ta, mesti dia baca laju2 macam ni ' alif ba ta sa jim dot. hhihihihi terus lompat ke Dhod tuu. Aihhh. :D Now ni klu guide, mmg pass la. Aritu tang Lam Alif dia ulang apa tau. Lam alif ba ta..Adake..konfiden je dia ni...Patu org Wassalam kn? dia ulang...Wassalamekom...ekekeke. Ada2 je si debab ni tau. :D
Okla thats all for now. Kalu nak ikutkan ada lg nk share progress2 diorang ni tp time tak mengijinkan. :( Progress lil Zafri pun next time k. Tengok gmbar je la dulu ehh. heee.
My lil prince charming. Our latest heartthrobe ;)
Last but not least, pagi tadi weol pegi buat Visa Zafri kt British High Commisiion di Croydon. Almost 2 hrs driving fr Stratford. Walaupun penat naik tangga dukung Zafri, lama tunggu tapi berbaloi lepas tau permohonan visa Zafri lulus. Tapi kad id visa tu akn dipos ke rumah witin 7 working days. Hrp tade masalah lain dan smpi cepat or on time. Amin. (Visa British makin ketat la undang2 dia skrg. Makin mahal lak tuh. Kalau dulu dapat sticker pink kat dalam passport, tapi skrg guna kad id plak. Macam2)
OTW balik singgah Greenwich town. Had lunch by Thames River. :)
Lastly, lusa my parents will be arrived. Vacation mood pon sudah mariii. Hip2 hoorey! the Eins pun sama2 counting days. tiap2 hari Zahin ingat Tok Mak dia sampai UK. :D Kalau notti, ummi ckp tak leh ikut amik tok Mak kt Airport. Dan2 terus tk notti. Patu Zahin siap cop Tok Mak suro duduk sebelah dia dlm keta . hbs la konfem berebut Tok Mak ngan Iris nti. Yeay 2 hari je lagi. Insya Allah. Harap2 sempat spring cleaning. Guest room pun tak siap lagi tu. Nk kena mop vacuum, pasang bed sheet and duvet cover. :)
Till then Wassalam.