Living in the four seasons country, one is blessed to get a golden opportunity to see the weather change from one season to another season. For the first timer or for a person like me who is not belong to this kind of country it is a bless and it is something that definitely should not be missed. :)
When i first time arrive and live in England in 2006 to follow hubby pursue his Master study, i just couldn't help myself from Oooh and Aaaah most of the time. Hihi. Until today, The bittersweet memory of eight months in Coventry is still fresh in the corner of my mind.
Some flashback..:P
Eidul Fitr during Autumn 2006 in Coventry England. It was our first Eid as a husband and wife and as a mommy and daddy as well. Also Still in confinement. Sobs.
Winter 2006 at Swanswell Park, Coventry. First snow for me and baby Zahin but not for hubby.

hihi Zahin was 7 months old when tis pic was taken. Geram tengok..dia lah penawar, penghibur hati dan peneman ummi kt rumah bila babah ke class setiap hari masatu. :)
Spring 2007. ikut hubby main futsal...hihi mmg masa tu hubby je yg dah kahwin. Zaid yg pgg Zahin pon dah kahwin masa tu tp Mar tak ikut Zaid sbb tgh kursus KPLI kt Msia.
End of Spring 2007. 31 May 2007. Our last day in Coventry. Taking pics With my good friends Ayu and Ct aka neighbours at Leicester Causeway before off to Birmingham airport. What a memory..:)
Anyway back to the reality. hihi. Spring is still here. Another beautiful season but the weather is not as beautiful as last year. Last time was the perfect Spring for me i guess. The sun shined almost everyday and the tulips bloomed everywhere making the town like Stratford from being gloomy became suddenly gorgeous!
But this time, it is totally different at least to me. I dunno other people. the weather is completely contrast compared to last Spring. This time We had showers almost everyday! I still thankful though ;D but just want to show how differ the season this time. We were shocked when we heard the news from BBC weather forecast that we might have this Winter-like season until June! Yeah, it's true it's still freezing cold sometimes now and we are almost at the end of May. The sun is still shy to show off himself..while the rain comes and go. Jadi sediakanlah payung sebelum hujan ye. hihihi. But England is already well known with its unpredictable weather..
with Yati Fath at Anfield stadium, Liverpool. We went there after borong Portmeirion at Stoke.
The Eins with their new umbrella in front of the Buckingham Palace last weekend. :)
Musim macam sekarang ni memang senang dapat penyakit. Lagi2 Zahin yg tak tahan sejuk, cepat je dpt Athma. Awal May aritu dia kene teruk sampai kene tahan ward sekejap dan doctor bagi ubat steroid. Kesian anak ummi. :(
watching Kungfu Panda at Clover Children Center ward, King George Hospital. Masa ni hubby je yang teman dia sepanjang kt ward. Yours truly dok kt rumah jaga babies lagi 2 org ..
ni la babies tu. Muka bosan tahap cipan bila along Zahin tade. Kesian..
Alhamdulillah, so far my doter has recovered completely. :)
Nevertheless, we still try to spend our weekend with activities as best as we can. So last saturday, we went sightseeing at central London since kids had been boring and nagging at home..adoiyai. Lagipon, ummi pon dah lama tak pegi Central. hihi. As long as kids are happy, i'm glad!
Enjoy some of the pics at St. James Park, London. :)
Iris posed near the statue as soon as we entered the entrance of St. James Park.
Lil squirrel had welcomed us :D
The view of eye of London fr St James Park bridge.
Here is the beautiful pelican :)
Iris with some of the flowers at the park.
A bee was sucking honey ;)
Pretty daisies on the grass captured by darling hubby. ;)
We had a picnic too. Zafri was sleeping though...hihi. (nampak tak putih2 atas rumput tu..ha, bunga daisies tu laa ;))
my iris posed with hubby
us having fun! hihi..kene pandai cari spot yg private tp ada pokok yg cantik utk jadikan prop photoshoot. hihi :P. If you come to London, do not miss to visit St. James Park ok..:)
flowers are sold everywhere. What a nice sight..this one was taken at the Victoria stn before we headed home.
hihi my loves..dlm tube..baru dapat duduk. masing2 penat tapi still good mood. :) Sebelum tu tube mcm tin sardin. 2-2 stroller kene lipat! hihi weekend kn biasalaa..;)
after one hour journey, baru sampai kt Seven Kings stn. From the station, we walked about 15 minutes before arriving at home safely. Alhamdulillah :)
Last time spring, i was still in my confinement period. So most of the time i stayed at home and did not get much opportunity to enjoy this season. So did my family. Poor them. But this year alhamdulillah we had 'murah rezeki' and travelled a lot despite the not so good weather. :)
And In less in a month, Spring will be leaving us and Summer will be arriving! We are looking forward it. Hopefully, the weather will be nice! We really miss the sun and the heat. Another beautiful season to enjoy ourself before the cold season comes back in September. InsyaAllah.
Lastly, Salam 1 Rejab. Rejab is called as the month of Allah SWT. The month to seek a repent of our sins. Hopefully, Allah will forgive us. Amin!
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