Last weekend, we had guest from Durham. Kak Nani aka
Hnyhar came down all the way from Durham just to visit London before going back to Malaysia at the end of this month. (Back for good. Congrats again to KNani's husband Abg Zul, you're Dr. Zul now!)
Sorry not many pics were taken coz the main photographer was busy in the kitchen. hihi. So some of the menu served for the guests were Mee Bandung Muar, Nasi putih, Sup daging, ikan kering, sambal belacan, sayur kobis masak air, ayam goreng, puding cocktail berkuah. The next morning were bihun goreng, roti canai and kari ayam. (Also tk de pics mknn..)
Eventho just a common menu, but glad the guests love it. Alhamdulillah. TQ to hubby who helped me taking care of Zafri while i was cooking and TQ to KNani as well who helped this and that..mcm2 kn tuan rumah ni, terlupe itu terlupe ini..KNani pun dh tau dah my clumsiness. huhu. Dulu masa first time bertemu mata, tlupe tutup api dapur lps goreng keropok..sabo je la. ;p
Zahin had fastly befriended with KNani's son, 7 yrs old Ameen. Instead of watching cartoon at laptop, they played Lego city together. |
Joining them in were Iris and KNani's second, 6 yrs old Iffah. Iffah had fever so she's not in the mood. Kesian dia. :) Masa ni 3 yrs old Izzah, KNani's youngest was not in the pic..(still waiting a tagged pic fr KNani at FB) |
TQ Kak Nani and family for visiting us! We were pleased to have all of you in here. Hope to see u all again and do keep in touch ok! Hopefully, it wont' be the last meeting. *hugs*
After hubby returned from sending them off near Big Ben we got ready for an outing. Co incidently, hubby wanted to buy a mattress for the Eins so off we went to Ikea at Edmunton. (The nearest).
Iris looked into the mirror |
then smiled happily (sebelom tu nangis2 kene tgl babah, masa hntr KNani hihi) |
lil Zafri was asleep in his stroller. (umi tlupe bw selimut pki coat umi la jwb nya heh) |
Along Zahin lega lps poo poo. tergendala kjp misi. hihi |
tgu babah tulis code mattress. (smpt posing..huhu) |
mula ok je, patu bergado2 manja lak. huhu dah macam buat rumah sendiri pulak. adeyy. |
Adik Zafri jgk yg good, tido je mana tak debop. dh 7kg skrg..kus semangat! |
OK It's time to go home..but need to pay first!
Even it's already Summer now and the daytime strectch longer than before from 4.30 am til 9.20pm, Ikea and other shopping mall still close at 5pm on sunday. Boring betul. hihi..Klu kt Msia, still leh rambu-ramba smpi malam kn? :)
BTW, Summer sale plak dah start, ayik nk terjah shopping mall je kejenya. :D