OK, Siapa lagi 'Our Precious' kalau bukan anak-anak, kan? Since Zahin is already on summer school break, as yesterday was her last day at the nursery (will update this soon) so for the first time after Zafri's born, hubby is able to go to university this morning around 10a.m. Zahin was still deeply in the slumber with Iris..Sian dia, sebelum ni around 8a.m dah bangun utk siap2 ke sekolah dgn babahnya. Since Zafri was born, hubby who's the one manage her from taking bath until tying her hair..then send her off to nursery, even ushered her into her classroom. (kinda nursery rules too :P) Sometimes i feel bad and pity towards them but i can't do anything as Zafri needs me most of the time(clings to my B)..and whenever i bring on the subject to hubby, he always comfort me. He's very understanding and responsible husband and father. I know i'm very lucky. Alhamdulillah! Everday i pray, wish i can be a better wife and mother for him and our precious.
But it's hard, i'm not perfect. Sometimes my patience is tested. I got angry too. Especially if the Eins refused to listen to me. For example, ummi ni dah banyak kali cakap elok, lembut-lembut, sabar sampai sakit dada menahan marah tapi masih lagi buat perangai, ha mulalah naik darah ummi. So apalagi startla suara naik pitching dan tangan pun sama cepat..huhuhu. My bad, ummi suka cubittt. TAPI tu masa belum ada Zafri, dah ada Zafri ini i noticed i've been slow down...MAY BE...after my latest delivery which was a life-threatening one and almost loosing Zafri, i really realized that anak-anak ni AMANAH, ANUGERAH dan HARTA yang tidak ternilai daripada-NYA. Sebelum ni sedar akan sume tu tapi macam ala2 je lah. Even skrg ni pun, kerapkali teralpa juga..tapi bila teringat je pengalaman bersalin haritu terus INSAF. Sejak tu ummi kurang marah, bila babah marah ummi plak tegur babah spy jgn marah derg. hihi.
Hopefully, at this age of 30 years old, i will become a better person from i was during 20th years old. :P (Aihh, entry my 30th birthday lastmonth pun tak sempat update lg :D) Instead of trying to be a better khalifah, i want to be a better (sebelum ni dah good :P) wife to en Hisham and a better ummi to our precious. Amin...!
So after lunch this afternoon ummi snap2 gambar. Bila perut dah kenyang tu maka hati masing2 pon senang..Apatah lagi, babah janji nak bawak derg pegi cycling bila babah balik. So happy faces, lepas derg tolong tidy-up everthing on the floor, i dressed them siap2. Mood tengah happy, bolehla ummi dress up kan ketidak ikut pilihan dia je nak pakai baju apa. Huh. Tapi sebab ummi pakaikan derg skirt derg sukalah, skrg ni tgh mode pakai skirt je 24/7. Hui, skirt baru basuh dok dlm washing machine tak sempat sidai lg, iris dh amik pakai basah2. Adoiiilaa. Mana tak pening kpl ummi..huhuhu...
OK jom layan gambar2 derg!
bergaya dgn skirt masing2 :) |
so sisterly, alg dlm gmbr ni looked so matured..padahal? hihi. angah spt biasa cheeky pose!:) |
bergambar dgn adik plak. sayang sgt adik sampai sll berebut adik. Aihh..sampai lemas zafri dibuatnya. |
pose ini jarang2 berlaku. but bila zahin seniri hug iris i feel so touched watching it. |
my big baby! |
my lil baby |
Zahin kata geli Iris baring ats perut dia. tu yg gelak sakan tuh. hihihi. |
my baby boy |
Penghibur lara hati |
By just looking at three of them, smiling, laughing and even quarelling really made my day. And i cant imagine life without them. To Zahin, Iris & Zafri, ummi and babah always love you. You are our precious wealth in this world and you have completed us. Kalau ummi dan babah marah, tu tandanya kami sayang sangat pada kalian bertiga. And lastly, our best prayers and wishes are always be with you wherever you are...we will tr our best to give you the best. Insya Allah.