Maaf agak terlambat untuk mengucapkan salam raya di blog ini. Ingatkan nak wish sehari dua sebelum raya..tapi tak sempat. Tup2 dah raya, pastu mlm raya kedua family in law smpi terus buat open house. Penat tak hilang lg dah berjalan ke Scotland plak. Hehe.
Ok selamat hari raya buat semua..maaf zahir dan batin andai ada salah dan silap dpd saya ..harap dapat dimaafkan k..;)
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Busy dan Biskut Raya
What a very long weekend we had! Hubby and me were very busy with our study. My Master thesis is due next month and his MPhil/PhD transfer report and presentation due this thursday. huhu please pray for us ye.. Pity the kids had to stay home most of the sempat jg ummi buat aktivity camping dgn derg kt backyard..siap bwk meja n bangku keluar lg utk lunch..hari panas dan cuaca pon cantik mmg sesuai la buat activity tu..ada masa nti ummi update special entry k..
Dalam pada tue sempat jg ummi buat biskut raya kelmarin..choc chip jer! hehehe But unfortunately, smlm dh habis licin dahhhh..apa taknya keluar je dpd oven dh kene serbu! huahuahua tgk2 tak smpt nk amik gmbr...rasanya biasa je bg ummi tp kids suka banget. hehe. igt nak buat tak sempat2 dah nak buat...
Adoi tgl brp hr je lg kan nk raya. Sini mungkin sabtu dh raya. huhu. Masuk last week of Ramadhan ni, badan ummi ni plak dh fatigue semacam..:( waktu berbuka danh makin awal, waktu isyak pon dan makin cepat..lps hbs makan kdg tak larat dn tak sempat nak basuh pinggan terus..huhu tgu lps sahur atau pagi esok br cuci..(i hate this)
Adoi tgl brp hr je lg kan nk raya. Sini mungkin sabtu dh raya. huhu. Masuk last week of Ramadhan ni, badan ummi ni plak dh fatigue semacam..:( waktu berbuka danh makin awal, waktu isyak pon dan makin cepat..lps hbs makan kdg tak larat dn tak sempat nak basuh pinggan terus..huhu tgu lps sahur atau pagi esok br cuci..(i hate this)
i guess sbb lepas bersalin Zafri thn lepas smpi skrg tak pergi berurut badan painful all urat2 badan ni, bisa2 belakang hanya Allah sahaja yang sbb kes tak percaya kt confinment lady punye psl la..dont be like me k. my mom asked me not to force myself..tak yah buat kuih raya bagai klu dh tak larat..apa yg my mom dh kirim melalui my MIL tu dah memadai katanya..lega dengar! hehe..thank you mom! my SIL kata mmg banyak my mom kirim..huhu gitulah my mom, not only yg ktrg request je dia kirimkan, tp yg tk request pon dia kirim!!! i love you, mom, you're the best mom in my life!
Okla the Eins ni tiba2 plak buat drama air mata. Iris tak nak main dgn Zahin, tp Zahin paksa jgk dia main. Tarik2 tgn, tarik2 rambut sdh derg ni. er emergency mode..
Ok till then, wassalam.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Ikan Siakap 3 Rasa Ala Thai
Here it's very hard to find fresh fishes that i usually eat in Malaysia. I really miss to eat fish like ikan kembung, selar kuning, cencaru, parang, pari, sembilang and keli. Ada but mostly yg frozen punye which i don't buy sbb confirm tak sedap!
Being me who born in town like Muar and after married we stay in Melaka, fresh fishes are everywhere, fresh yet so cheap!! Not only fishes but other kind of seafood such as prawns, squids, kerang or even kupang. Klu dr Muar otw to Melaka mmg byk stall tepi-tepi jalan jual ikan je. Aihh kt sini? Nangis dululah baru dpt mkn ikan kot!
Ok actually, there is a huge wholesale market called Billing Gate market. Only hubby who had ever went there once. I never been there bcoz it's quite far from our house and it is opened only early in the morning. Best pergi pukul 5-6am baru byk choice, ikan fresh2. Tapi mmg tak kuasa nak pergi pagi-pagi buta dgn nk heret all my kids. So idokla pergi2 smpi skrg!
Until recently, our friends told us there is a seafood market in Dagenham Heathway! DH is just our neighbourhood's neighbour so without any delay we went hunting for the market after got the exact direction from Ana. Thanks to her we found the market and i was over the mood to see fresh seafood in front of me! Although not like in Malaysia and the choice are still limited but at least i can get them everyday if i want! Hehe. Betul, klu beli kt Billinggate market kene beli borong. Tak sesuai for my family yg kecik ni n our freezer yg sempit too..
So early of this month, we bought 7 seabasses for £10. It's really cheap bcoz klu kt Asda or Tesco seekor seabass cost us £4 tau!! Huhu mhl yg amat!! So apalagi borong terus smpi 14ekor maklumlah wpon ahli bait sy ni lima org je tp kuat mkn ikan esp me!! Hee my hubby tk brp mkn ikan, dia prefer ayam, daging, udang n sotong psl tade tulang! Hehe..manja tau hubby, sll i yg buangkn dulu tulang ikan utk dia ;D
So smlm ada tgl 7 ekor lg seabass. I took couple of them n then cari resepi nk msk apa. Ye la kn takkan nk grg rempah aje boring dah! Then cari2, tumble on Resepi ikan siakap 3 rasa ala thai! Thank you for sharing this marvellous recipe! Mmg terbaik!! Orang Sarawak kata nyaman bah! Hehehe.
So to know the recipe go to
Till then, wassalam!
Being me who born in town like Muar and after married we stay in Melaka, fresh fishes are everywhere, fresh yet so cheap!! Not only fishes but other kind of seafood such as prawns, squids, kerang or even kupang. Klu dr Muar otw to Melaka mmg byk stall tepi-tepi jalan jual ikan je. Aihh kt sini? Nangis dululah baru dpt mkn ikan kot!
Ok actually, there is a huge wholesale market called Billing Gate market. Only hubby who had ever went there once. I never been there bcoz it's quite far from our house and it is opened only early in the morning. Best pergi pukul 5-6am baru byk choice, ikan fresh2. Tapi mmg tak kuasa nak pergi pagi-pagi buta dgn nk heret all my kids. So idokla pergi2 smpi skrg!
Until recently, our friends told us there is a seafood market in Dagenham Heathway! DH is just our neighbourhood's neighbour so without any delay we went hunting for the market after got the exact direction from Ana. Thanks to her we found the market and i was over the mood to see fresh seafood in front of me! Although not like in Malaysia and the choice are still limited but at least i can get them everyday if i want! Hehe. Betul, klu beli kt Billinggate market kene beli borong. Tak sesuai for my family yg kecik ni n our freezer yg sempit too..
So early of this month, we bought 7 seabasses for £10. It's really cheap bcoz klu kt Asda or Tesco seekor seabass cost us £4 tau!! Huhu mhl yg amat!! So apalagi borong terus smpi 14ekor maklumlah wpon ahli bait sy ni lima org je tp kuat mkn ikan esp me!! Hee my hubby tk brp mkn ikan, dia prefer ayam, daging, udang n sotong psl tade tulang! Hehe..manja tau hubby, sll i yg buangkn dulu tulang ikan utk dia ;D
So smlm ada tgl 7 ekor lg seabass. I took couple of them n then cari resepi nk msk apa. Ye la kn takkan nk grg rempah aje boring dah! Then cari2, tumble on Resepi ikan siakap 3 rasa ala thai! Thank you for sharing this marvellous recipe! Mmg terbaik!! Orang Sarawak kata nyaman bah! Hehehe.
So to know the recipe go to
Till then, wassalam!
Thursday, August 9, 2012
5 Tips Untuk Menjadi Isteri Yang Sihat, Bijak dan Cantik
Saje nak share tips by Prof. Dr. Muhaya kt sini. I'm sure ramai yg kenal Prof. dan dah dengar tips ni kan. ;) But Still i would like to share them in this blog as a reminder for me, or for my kids in the future.. (padahal dh tade idea lain nak update blog :P)
The tips are:-
1. Kene pandai jaga kesihatan fizikal.
Bersenam dan makan vitamin.
2. kene pandai jaga kesihatan mental
Beli dan baca buku-buku ilmiah dan motivasi. Tengok rancangan tv yg baik untuk minda.
3. Jaga hubungan dengan Allah
Jaga aurat, solat dan puasa jangan tinggal.
4. Jaga hubungan dengan manusia.
Esp. dgn suami. Jaga hati, mata, hidung dan telinga dia. Less invest on perhiasan eg. hbag branded mahal etc. Lama2 tengok jemu katanya. Tapi if invest more on keperluan eg. facial treatment, teeth treatment (floss) n etc. (spy suami tgk tak jemu2..:P)
5. Kene pandai jaga kewangan
Kene plan kewangan keluarga, budget for 10, 20, 30 yrs after married. Prof. kata sebelum kahwin boleh plan/budget untuk wedding reception etc, inikan pula bila dah berumah-tangga.
Huhu sgt terkesan di hati lepas tgk ceramah Prof. ni kat insyaAllah let's try our best k. ;)
Harini dah hari ke 21 Ramadhan. How's your Tadarus progress? :) Mine, masih di juzuk 18. Lagging behind sket sbb first week lg ummi dah 'raya'. hehe. Mudah-mudahan sempat nak catch up while busy with other matters.
InsyaAllah sama-sama kita berazam untuk khatam 30 juzuk Al-Quran by end of this baraqah Ramadhan k. Amin. Also, semoga kita dipertemukan dgn malam Lailatul Qadar pada 10 malam terakhir ni. (Sedihnya..)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Popiah@Spring Rolls
Ini first time buat popiah sendiri! Hehe. Kalau kt Malaysia jangan harap saya nak buat..kalau teringin beli je kt gerai tepi jalan pada waktu petang, sure ada! Cuma sedap tak sedap tu je kene tanggung sendiri hehe.
So untuk iftar ke 19 hari ini, awal-awal lagi saya dah keluarkan pastry popiah dr freezer. Bahan-bahan intinya saya guna je apa yang ada..mince chicken, carrot, daun bawang dan bawang besar yg dihiriskan terlebih dahulu. Kemudian tumis je semua ni dan letak garam. Bila dah masak, angkat dan sejukkan seketika sebelum diletakkan di atas pastry popiah. Kemudian gulung ikut arahan di belakang paket dan goreng!
Alhamdulillah senang je rupanya. Rasanya pon sedap, sekelip mata licin. Hehe lain kali boleh buat lagi dan tak payah beli kot bila balik Msia nti. Hehe.
Esok tatau lagi nak buat apa. Daripada haritu Teringin nak makan tepung pelita atau cara berlauk tapi tak pernah buat sendiri lagi. Nak cuba asyiklah tertangguh-tangguh. Huhu. Tapi buka puasa kalini mesti nak makan manis-manis je..macam kek, puding atau agar-agar. Hehe..
Apapun berpuasa kt sini betul-betul menginsafkan. Tiada bazar Ramadhan kt sini, so nak makan apa kene try buat sendiri. Pastu jimat sbb buat dlm kuantiti yg sedikit cukup-cukup utk kami berlima. :)
Ini first time buat popiah sendiri! Hehe. Kalau kt Malaysia jangan harap saya nak buat..kalau teringin beli je kt gerai tepi jalan pada waktu petang, sure ada! Cuma sedap tak sedap tu je kene tanggung sendiri hehe.
So untuk iftar ke 19 hari ini, awal-awal lagi saya dah keluarkan pastry popiah dr freezer. Bahan-bahan intinya saya guna je apa yang ada..mince chicken, carrot, daun bawang dan bawang besar yg dihiriskan terlebih dahulu. Kemudian tumis je semua ni dan letak garam. Bila dah masak, angkat dan sejukkan seketika sebelum diletakkan di atas pastry popiah. Kemudian gulung ikut arahan di belakang paket dan goreng!
Alhamdulillah senang je rupanya. Rasanya pon sedap, sekelip mata licin. Hehe lain kali boleh buat lagi dan tak payah beli kot bila balik Msia nti. Hehe.
Esok tatau lagi nak buat apa. Daripada haritu Teringin nak makan tepung pelita atau cara berlauk tapi tak pernah buat sendiri lagi. Nak cuba asyiklah tertangguh-tangguh. Huhu. Tapi buka puasa kalini mesti nak makan manis-manis je..macam kek, puding atau agar-agar. Hehe..
Apapun berpuasa kt sini betul-betul menginsafkan. Tiada bazar Ramadhan kt sini, so nak makan apa kene try buat sendiri. Pastu jimat sbb buat dlm kuantiti yg sedikit cukup-cukup utk kami berlima. :)
Monday, August 6, 2012
Baju Raya Pilihan Hati

Insya Allah tahun ni kami akan beraya kt sini lagi. Tak balik Malaysia..sobs. Tapi keluarga mertua nak datang beraya kt sini, jadi taklah sedih sgt sebenarnya. Sekali nak makan angin. Hihi Can't wait! :)
As for baju raya kami plak, family kedua-dua belah nak sponsor lagi. Hihi Ingat nak pakai aje baju2 raya tahun lepas aje tapi dah family murah hati nk sponsor apa salahnya..;) bersyukurlah kan! so Thank you so much! ^_^
So again, tak dapat pilih baju raya sendiri jadi hanya mampu tengok online je lah. Geram tengok koleksi baju-baju raya 2012. Cantik-cantik tapi harganya pun mesti cantik, kan? ;P
Tadi boring2 pegi google baju raya. Jom tgk few yg yours truly bkenan..(All pics Credit to google)

Sweet kan LS pakai baju kurung moden plain ni. Suka jg top nya yg kembang kt bawah...lain dpd yg lain ;)
Nway, since my family in law akan sampai pada hari raya kedua, jadinya raya pertama tu kami still kene pakai dulu baju raya tahun lepas. Itupon dipakai sekali dua je kt sini. Hihi. :P
So hubby will most probably wear his black baju melayu again. :D The Eins tatau lg nk pakaikan yg mana satu.. Zafri pakai casual sbb dia tade baju melayu huhu. for me, i think i shud wear my caftan which i bought at Bandung in 2010 and i'd just worn it once. Sbb klu tak pakai raya ni, bila lagi lah nak pakai kannn. Hee. Let's see if it's still can wear..sbb dh lama dok dlm kotak kt store tu. jangan dah mkn hari sudah! huhu..
Okla, happy shopping baju raya everyone! kt sini baru nak masak utk berbuka puasa plak ni, harini lambat sket masuk dapur =)
Friday, August 3, 2012
Butterfly Lychee Jelly
~ Lychee jelly made in a butterfly-shaped silicone mould ~
I've been craving for lychee jelly since i first time ate it at Yati's house few months ago. It's so yummy and my taste! Ada org tak brp suka kan..;) Ever since, i wanted to try myself. Tapi aseklaa lupe.. Huhu.
But last week, i remembered to buy lychee but in can ones..(janji lychee ;p) so yesterday i made it! Itupon 2 tin dah nak air lychee la plak. Hehe. So sebelum habis sume, baiklah buat kan..karang kempunan lg ummi nak mkn lychee jelly. Ummi yg lebih kannn..hehe..
Hmm for me, yang Yati buat lg sedap and perfect for my taste. Rasa sbb kurang susu cair sbb kurang lemak2 rasanya gitu..huhu nasiblah sbb susu cair dah guna sket sblom tue..malas ummi nak bkk tin lain..
Nway, hubby and kids love it! Habis derg mkn, apatah lg jelly tu dlm pelbagai bentuk! Ada butterfly, teddy bear and ladybird. Sorg satu. For ummi and babah ummi ltk dlm tall glass, romantik gitu makan share satu gelas. Hehe.
Hmm Okla..rasa jgk lychee jelly tu kan cuma krg lemak je la. huhu Tak sedar lg tu padahal badan dh byk lemak2 degil ni. alhamdulillah sejak msk bln puasa ni nmpk kempis sket peruts ni. Hehe tp sket je la huhu..
Okla mcm2 jg masak bln puasa ni, cuba resepi baru tp tak dan nak share kt sini. Tengok Dinie rajin buat tu ini, terus tergerak nak share butterfly lychee jelly yg buat smlm ni. Hehe..
Ok happy cooking and preparing for berbuka puasa to all hot mommies! ;)
I've been craving for lychee jelly since i first time ate it at Yati's house few months ago. It's so yummy and my taste! Ada org tak brp suka kan..;) Ever since, i wanted to try myself. Tapi aseklaa lupe.. Huhu.
But last week, i remembered to buy lychee but in can ones..(janji lychee ;p) so yesterday i made it! Itupon 2 tin dah nak air lychee la plak. Hehe. So sebelum habis sume, baiklah buat kan..karang kempunan lg ummi nak mkn lychee jelly. Ummi yg lebih kannn..hehe..
Hmm for me, yang Yati buat lg sedap and perfect for my taste. Rasa sbb kurang susu cair sbb kurang lemak2 rasanya gitu..huhu nasiblah sbb susu cair dah guna sket sblom tue..malas ummi nak bkk tin lain..
Nway, hubby and kids love it! Habis derg mkn, apatah lg jelly tu dlm pelbagai bentuk! Ada butterfly, teddy bear and ladybird. Sorg satu. For ummi and babah ummi ltk dlm tall glass, romantik gitu makan share satu gelas. Hehe.
Hmm Okla..rasa jgk lychee jelly tu kan cuma krg lemak je la. huhu Tak sedar lg tu padahal badan dh byk lemak2 degil ni. alhamdulillah sejak msk bln puasa ni nmpk kempis sket peruts ni. Hehe tp sket je la huhu..
Okla mcm2 jg masak bln puasa ni, cuba resepi baru tp tak dan nak share kt sini. Tengok Dinie rajin buat tu ini, terus tergerak nak share butterfly lychee jelly yg buat smlm ni. Hehe..
Ok happy cooking and preparing for berbuka puasa to all hot mommies! ;)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Bicester Village Again
It's been 14 days we are fasting in this holy month of Ramadhan. Time flies so fast indeed. Sobs. So far in London, we did it pretty good, alhamdulillah! Just hoping that time can move slowly i wish Ramadhan can stay longer..
Anyway, i'm sure everyone of us have already started shopping for Raya especially the ones who are in Malaysia. Hehe how i miss the shopping scene in Malaysia..
For us here, we just shopped a little and actually we already started shopping earlier before fasting when Summer sales started that day. Hee.
But as a lady, we cant help shopping, can we? Hehe. So on last monday, i asked my friend, Yati if she wanted to go to Mothercare retail shop since her family happened at our house for Breaking fast. And as expected, she said why not! Hehe well ladies..!
Unfortunately, when we arrived there we knew there was no more extravaganze sales. Only few items that were on discounts. So we didnt shop all out there. Yet, Yati and me still bought few things as we were already there. Dont want to return home with empty-handed la rite..;p
Actually, Yati finished shopping earlier than me so her family left for home first as they had other appointment. Iris and Adam were sad to be separated and both refused to salam each other hehe. Iris also made her sad face til uncle Fathullah cant help to take her pic with the sad facial expression! Lol
As for me, i seemed not satisfied yet with shopping thingy hehe. So i asked hubby if we can go to Bicester Village right on that time. Being the sweetest husband, hubby had agreed right away! Hehe love you darling! Muah2. :D
So off we went to BV at 3pm. The traffic was slow at Wembley due to Olympic events at the Wembley stadium. But anyhow, we passed it and we reached BV around 5pm. Luckily, it's summer now so most of the outlets still opened until 8pm. ;)
Since i already made up my mind, so i thot i would go only to the specific outlet which was Cath Kidston. Boy, how i wronged, coz on the way to CK i went into other outlets! Lol.
Only when i realized that i dont have much time left, i dashed to CK without glancing to any other outlet! ;p
Hoho i was kinda jaw-dropping the moment i stepped into CK. haha almost evrything's on sale! It's hard for me to decide which ones i wanna buy! Huhu so i spent quite a lengthy time in there.
Hmm all of the items were irresistible! They're english style looking stuffs! Aww How i wish to buy then all..hehehe. but i had pretty good time to choose the best bags and finally i was very satisfied with my catch! But Well, it's not really mine though..Huhu.
Sorry no pictures for the catch here at the moment. I will upload once i'm ready. and i also cant wait to introduce my online business soon which i'd already mentioned here few months back. Hehe need long time and long process to make it really happen eh..hmm..
Ok till then, wassalam!
It's been 14 days we are fasting in this holy month of Ramadhan. Time flies so fast indeed. Sobs. So far in London, we did it pretty good, alhamdulillah! Just hoping that time can move slowly i wish Ramadhan can stay longer..
Anyway, i'm sure everyone of us have already started shopping for Raya especially the ones who are in Malaysia. Hehe how i miss the shopping scene in Malaysia..
For us here, we just shopped a little and actually we already started shopping earlier before fasting when Summer sales started that day. Hee.
But as a lady, we cant help shopping, can we? Hehe. So on last monday, i asked my friend, Yati if she wanted to go to Mothercare retail shop since her family happened at our house for Breaking fast. And as expected, she said why not! Hehe well ladies..!
Unfortunately, when we arrived there we knew there was no more extravaganze sales. Only few items that were on discounts. So we didnt shop all out there. Yet, Yati and me still bought few things as we were already there. Dont want to return home with empty-handed la rite..;p
Actually, Yati finished shopping earlier than me so her family left for home first as they had other appointment. Iris and Adam were sad to be separated and both refused to salam each other hehe. Iris also made her sad face til uncle Fathullah cant help to take her pic with the sad facial expression! Lol
As for me, i seemed not satisfied yet with shopping thingy hehe. So i asked hubby if we can go to Bicester Village right on that time. Being the sweetest husband, hubby had agreed right away! Hehe love you darling! Muah2. :D
So off we went to BV at 3pm. The traffic was slow at Wembley due to Olympic events at the Wembley stadium. But anyhow, we passed it and we reached BV around 5pm. Luckily, it's summer now so most of the outlets still opened until 8pm. ;)
Since i already made up my mind, so i thot i would go only to the specific outlet which was Cath Kidston. Boy, how i wronged, coz on the way to CK i went into other outlets! Lol.
Only when i realized that i dont have much time left, i dashed to CK without glancing to any other outlet! ;p
Hoho i was kinda jaw-dropping the moment i stepped into CK. haha almost evrything's on sale! It's hard for me to decide which ones i wanna buy! Huhu so i spent quite a lengthy time in there.
Hmm all of the items were irresistible! They're english style looking stuffs! Aww How i wish to buy then all..hehehe. but i had pretty good time to choose the best bags and finally i was very satisfied with my catch! But Well, it's not really mine though..Huhu.
Sorry no pictures for the catch here at the moment. I will upload once i'm ready. and i also cant wait to introduce my online business soon which i'd already mentioned here few months back. Hehe need long time and long process to make it really happen eh..hmm..
Ok till then, wassalam!
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