Monday, February 27, 2012

A Pianist In The Making

Piano is a damn expensive thing that my parents could not afford to buy one for me. Being a good daughter, ;p i had never ever pressure them to get it for me though i know that they would have tried their best to buy it if i really insist. So what i did, i just gave in and didnt even go to piano class until now. ;)
Btw, we had bought a preloved organ/piano ( dunno what exactly to call it ;p) at carboot last year at price of £20. It's cheap so we bought it. But i didnt really look at or touch it until i had watched and listened to kak Nana's playing recently. Aww, She was talented and has really inspired me and made me feel to learn to play a piano again! So i've emailed her and asked whether it's too late for me to learn it now but She simply replied that it's never too late to learn anything! Haa And she supported me to learn and even gave me few links to watch then practise the very basic one like 'happy birthday' song. Hehe tq akk, pls be my mentor ok. ;)
Therefore, i've been playing it with hubby and kids since last week. Haha we are kinda addicted now though how ackward my fingers feel when they run on the piano. Keras kaku ;p My kids really enjoyed it too esp Zafri. Smpi rasa Klu ada rezeKi rasa nk sign up for formal lesson for kids n me! Hehe. :D but i know, the fee must be expensive. Huhu that we cant afford it yet. Klu terer and ada bakat mcm kak Nana tu belajar sendiri pon boleh pandai main. ;) InsyaAllah will see how. Klu pandai and then ada rezeki igt nak beli a decent piano la sblom blk Msia. Oh no, bertambah lg wishlist! Sighz
P.S: Duit, duit..di manakah engkau? Huhu


Nadiah Sidek said...

saya teringin nak belajar main piano

Diyana Khoo said...

bestnya main piano :). cd dulu pun mama hantar g piano lesson. belajar sampai grade 7 la juga than dah masuk asrama. sayang tak dapat complete sampai grade 8.

i agree with u memang mahal kan piano ni. bila dah besar n ada rumah sendiri ni baru tau! sbb nak beli haritu sekali terkejut tgk harga. huhu. nampak gayanya kena postpone dulu la hajat nak berpiano lagi. huhu.

cd tak dpt tgk la video tu. kata error occur. maybe problem network kat office ni kot. hehe. balik nanti la nak tgk.

ummi_ziz said...


Jom kita start belajar sama2! ^_^

ummi_ziz said...


Bestnya CDee! Untung dpt belajar piano mst smpi grade 7, mst CDee pandai main piano kan?;) tp tu la mmg mahal harga piano kt Msia..klu ada secondhand pon mhl jgk kot..:( kt sini kak Nana kata piano mrh tp ktrg still blom mampu beli lg ;p kene belajar smpi pandai dulu br bbaloi beli ye tak. :)

Really? Aih masalah yg sama klu update video ikut iPhone..tak leh view jgk kt iPhone ni..nti izu cek kt lappie samada boleh view ke tak..may be lps blk kelas ke k ;)

Miss Anna said...

wow !!! sronok nya baca semangat baru nak berpiano ni :) lebih happy lagi bila tau that I'd helped you in some ways and ade contribution to make your dream utk berpiano ni jadi kenyataan :) sronok sgt2 wokeh !! tersenyum2 sorang2 nih hehehe..
i'd really really love to help u izu, seriously :) suka sgt2 dengn semangat izu and your effort utk blaja :).. insyaAllah u'll play better than me someday, and akak pun ade hajat nak enroll balik klas piano, tapi for that, tak dapat la kot, macam malas aje, tapi utk budak2 bole la kot hehe.. tengok la camne, like u said, mahal kan..
akak ni rasa nak beli piano lain la hehe, ngade2 kan?? haritu main piano kat rumah Florian, trjatuh cinta ngan piano die, sungguh2 best, piano ni investment, klu izu nak beli nnt, make sure u make the right choice. akak pakai yamaha, bout half the price piano Florian, brand Kawai.. tapi mmg best and feel habis masa main piano die.. seriously jatuh cinta hehe..
ok izu, nnt akak cuba carik more links for u ok :)

ummi_ziz said...

Kak nana

Tu la tgk pianO Florian tu mmg kerlas la dah la kaler putih mmg idaman kalbu izu gak tu tp mahai kn..? Huhu

Nway, thanks alot akk really appreciate.. Tatau la leh jd sepandai akk ke tak..jgn hangat2 taik ayam je dh la.. Haha. Tpbtul, sy pon ada niat jgk nk anta kids ni bljr piano tp tgkla nti sape yg btol2 minat ;D

Oo yamaha brand kawai ehh..tq. Klu la btolizu nk bli nti kene consult dgnakk la jwbnya. Hehe. Eii bestnya klu akk dpt beli mcm piano florian tu..:)

Diyana Khoo said...

how cheap piano kat sana?

ummi_ziz said...


Piano yg izu survey2 jns Yamaha piano jenis upright If brand new around £3000 or rm15k. Huhu. Blom lg yg jenis grand or baby grand..lg mahai..:( tp klu digital piano brand new bley dpt from £600 ..yg izu ada ni yg digital piano brand casio tp beli kt carboot murah giler £20 je tp still in good conditioned. Igt klu nk beli pon nti, beli jns upright je kot tu pon cr yg second hnd je..;)

Kak Nana if u read this, kindly share abt tis with us k ;)

Miss Anna said...

izu, piano akak brand Yamaha, and Florian punya Kawai. Both pun brand yg bagus. akak suggest, izu tak payah beli piano upright pun tak pe, piano camtu mahal sgt, beli cam Florian beli tu pun dah cukup bagus tau, harga kat sini 1400euro, i think bout the same je kot harga kat sana ngan sini. macam yg akak punya, Yamaha P95, digital piano, baru 665euro, still sgt2 puas hati, cuma yg Florian punya better.. so yg 3000 ke atas mmg lagi2 best and canggih tapi tak mampu la pulak hehe...
and satu lagi, jgn beli 2nd hand, beli aje 1st hand, Yamaha ade bnyk model digital piano yg harga x sampai seribu pun, beli camtu pun ok. and klu izu betul nak anta budak2 blaja piano, berbaloi beli yg baru and elok sket sbb akan pakai lama berbelas tahun tau. beli cam Florian tu, brand Kawai, CN 33 rasa nye model die, atau pun macam yg akak brkenan sgt skrg ni Casio Privia, sgt cantik and harga 1200euro kat sini la.. kat sana pun lebih kurang je kot. klu betul nak beli, beli la antara 4 brand ni, Yamaha, Kawai, Roland atau Casio, review nye semua bagus2 :)
so approximately, digital piano paling murah boleh dapat kat sini dgn harga 500euro is about RM2000, mmmm tak sure harga kat Malaysia berapa. tapi klu macam akak punya, kat M'sia lagi mahal dr kat sini :)
I hope this helps.. :)

ummi_ziz said...

Kak nana

That helps! Much appreciated. Oh yg akk n Florian punye tu bkn upright igt upright they look like oned ;) klu gitu tk yahla beli yg upright kn klu digital piano pon dh ok ye tak hehe..tu la klu nk beli upright brand new mmg tak mampu tu yv aim for secondhand hehe. So now as u mentioned, i shud cOnsider to buy yg baru not second hand. Bila tu tatau la lg. Hehe..klu ada rezeki kn insyaAllah

So thanks alot kak Nana. Hugs. Hope this will help CDee too ;)