My good friend since secondary school came visiting me few days ago for Christmas break. It has been years since we met last time. When i know Lilie got studying in York, i was excited and have always wished to meet up soon. Alhamdulillah we finally met. She came by train and we fetched her at King's Cross station. We were so happy to see each other and we chatted in the car like no body business. Zahin also annoyed with us, she said we were too loud. :D
Lilie was excited to see the Malay food at Malaysian Hall. But honestly they were not as good as they look..and as usual, they're not cheap as well. huhu. |
Lilie in front of the souvenirs shop at Bayswater..awal2 lagi dah bawak dia pegi beli souvenirs. :P |
Afterwards, we took Lilie to Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park. Yup, again for us huhu. And still it's not a suitable time to go. It's on Sunday and it's freaking crowded! We can't stay any longer. But i managed to find the magical ice rink in the middle of the Winter Wonderland. It's decorated beautifully with all the hanging bulb lights but that's all. My girls also did not asked to play any rides so we dismissed quite early than i had expected. Hihi.
Lilie and I camwhoring on Tube. |
On the next day, i had a day out with Lilie. We felt like a school girl again hihi. Reminiscing our old days during our train and tube journey to Central London. Haha! Mind you that was my first time flee after two years. Well, it's not easy to escape from my kids ok. Hubby had to take them out to the Community library first, only then we walked off to Seven Kings station. :)(Thanks Sayang! ^^)
just arrived at the most crowded street in London, it's Oxford Street babeh! |
at first i planned to bring Lilie to Harrod's but when i checked the stops in the train (Tube), i saw the Oxford Circus station just two stops away from Holborn station, the station that we should stop and change train to take Piccadilly line if we want to go to Harrod's. Since it's already one way, so we did not stop. We went straight to Oxford Circus station to go to Oxford Street. since it was a Christmas Eve, the street was even more crowded. Honestly, i felt so nervous to be a tourist guide and i was lost in the crowd not knowing which way to go. Huhu. Luckily, there was a signboard and a map therefore it saved my life! What do you expect, that was my first time going to Oxford Street! huhu shamed on me...dah dua tahun dok kt London baru ni sampai Oxford Street. T_T Nak buat macam mana, it's a bit tedious to go with kids and buggies in such a crowded place..that's why we kept postponing it until the right times come. :D
Nice decoration at House of Fraser. HoF sales dia best giler but not everything on sale though! :( Lilie beli perfume, i beli handbag utk customer.. |
haha first time masuk Selfridge. Mmg selfridge, dah masuk rasa tak nak keluar sbb waa cantik sgt. Wakakaka! Selfridges hampeh sale dia still mahal....Grrrrr! sabo je la. So window shopping aje la...;P |
Merry christmas to whoever celebrate...Peace! :D |
at Oxford Circus tube underground. Credit pic to an Italian lad...;)
On the way home, we took Distict line instead of Central Line because hubby had told us to stop at Dagenham East. Kak Yaya and Aswat invited us over to their place for a dinner. Aww, so nice of them. Rupanya hubby took kids to their house to play with their kids. Hubby told me, my kids were at the best behaviour. Enjoy main with friends, distracted habis sampai tak ingat ummi langsung. Dengan Zafri, Zafri skali ok. Sabo je la..ummi all the time ingat ok ke tak diorang ni. Siap beli present lg sorang satu kt Disney Store kt Oxford Street tu. Upah..takut balik rumah sume pakat merajuk dgn ummi at least adalah hadiah nk divert to kan. Hehehe..
Reunion Maahad Muar SPM Batch 1998 with Sarah n Bro Din. hubby excluded sbb dia sekolah lain..kekeke... |
During Christmas day, we all went to Southampton to visit our friend Sarah. Her husband was also in the same school with Lilie and me. So we knew him quite well too. Thanks Sarah for a lovely dinner and hospitality. Unexpectedly, we sleptover at their place that night because our car had a problem. The engine oil leaked badly until our car released smoked on the way to Soton. Sampai bau hangit tak berani lah ktrg nak balik ke London malam tu jgk...dah la Chrismas hari cuti, kalau anything happened on the motorway sape nak tolong kan..huhu..aihh tu dah unexpected cost..lari budget nak berboxing day esoknya. Wakaka! Ni citer dalam entry lain la eh..Hehe..
Us after so many rounds of yummilicious breakkie before off to'boxing'. ada Mee bandung lagi..hmm..Tqvm Sarah! ^^ |
Finally, it was time to bid a goodbye. Lilie's ticket on 27th of December and at the same station, King's Cross station. Station ni ada Platform magic Harry Potter's movie, Platform 9 and 3/4. Hehe tak perasan pon sebelum ni..Masa mertua dtg Summer haritu kami pergi Edinburgh naik kt King's Cross. Kalau tau boleh posing kt platform HP ni. Tade rezeki derg..:)
Zahin je ikut ummi hantar aunty Lilie smpi kt dalam..Babah tunggu dlm kereta because kt situ tak boleh parking lama2..lagipun Iris dan Zafri tgh tidur. |
Lilie and I, till we meet again in shaa Allah. Credit pic to Izzahin Hisham. :) |
It's our pleasure to have you with us, Lilie. Do come and visit us again, ok. You're always welcome!:)