Though, we don't have a garden for the Eins to play at, it doesn't mean the girls can't play. If we have a garden, we will let them play outside especially during summer.
But what to do, we dont have one and we can't go to one as this year ramadhan falls on summer..itupon hubby bawa juga the Eins ke playground berdekatan and I guess it will be the first and last!:P
So being creative, they always know what to do at home and sometimes they tend to get over creative that make us turn green.:D.
But I don't blame them as I'm busily coping with zafri while hubby is busy with his research study so sometimes we totally ignore them...
Later we will found out that our living room is just like a sunken ship with papers, painting tools, clothes, and books and toys are everywhere!! O.M.G.
Fine but not until I saw my avent via cup was used as their water container with the paint brushes in it AND my laptop was covered with Upin & Ipin stickers all over it then I feel like to pass out!
Huhuhu why la my avent via cup anak2ku? Aihh Kalau Ada banyak macam mommy Adam tak pe la Jgk. ;P lg satu lappie tu, Malu wey ummi nak bwk Pegi school klu dah mcm tu rupanya. Isk3.
Talk about them being over creative..T_T
hahahaha..sukati btul dua anak dara tu kerjakan laptop ummi ek? pastu bekas avent takleh blah tuuu! tapi tu la, budak besar tu kadang2 kan suka buat hal sendiri..heheehehe...cheeky girls!
Salam kak izu,
haha kreatifla budak2 comel tuh! hehe abis tuh kak izu takmara ke? sure dorang dua beradik buat muka tak bersalah jekkan. hehe :)
hik hik hik..cantiknya jadi laptop ummi!! :) ahahaha..
Izu, energetic sungguh anak2 ko. Comel pulak tu. Alhamdulillah. Weh, aku bc previous n3 ko nk further study eh. Cemana nk handle anak2 ko nnt ek? Anta nursery ke? May everything gone smooth as planned and success ya. Aku pulak yg risau terlebih, coz aku ni tgk rumah sepah sket je pun dah pening. huhuhu.. Fortunately you hv helpful n understanding husband izu.
Cheeky and notty as well! Huhu. Pjg je akal buat yg taktjagkau dek akal ktrg ni Aihh satu keje plak izu nak buang satu2 sticker tuh. Jgn Ada yg degil melekat2 sudahh..hihi
Wsalam dik. Maunya akk tak mrh tp derg gelak2 je huhuhu sabo je lah. Hihi
Hihi sabar je la kan. Dah tak monitor, lagutu laa huhu klu Upin n Ipin famous kt sini okla Jgk kn hihihi (dasar!:P)
Tq dear. Ank2 ko pon comel Dan bijak :)
Aah rin nk further, hisham suro Jgk. Klu ikut aku ni tak pon ok je..aku risau sgt2 ni tp malas nak pk sbb sakit kpl nti hihi so far plan hisham akn jg derg hr yg aku Ada kelas. So lega, aku ni ssh nk pcaya bdk2 ni klu anta kt org lain..hihi. Rumah ni pon tak smpi satu Minit kemas derg dah sepahkn blk..huhu..massing Blum bley cara lg
Alhamdulillah rin ;) same goes to u rite..we r lucky that our husband sokong Kita spy belajar lg..alhamdulillah again!
Bila nk update blog? Rindu kt syifa n adik dia take care!!
Oh My Gucci!! mmg creatip sungguhla! hehehe...
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